
Wednesday, 16 August 2017


Author: Jennifer Mathieu
Publisher: Hodder and Stoughton
Year: Sep 2017
Pages: 340
Genre: Young Adult
Reading Time: 4 - 8 Aug
Binding: Uncorrected Proof Copy

 Vivian Carter is fed up. Fed up with a school administration at her small-town Texas high school that thinks the football team can do no wrong. Fed up with sexist dress codes, hallway harassment, and gross comments from guys during class. But most of all, Viv Carter is fed up with always following the rules.
 Viv's mum was a tough-as-nails, punk rock Riot Grrrl in the '90s, and now Viv takes a page from her mother's past and creates a feminist zine that she distributes anonymously to her classmates. She's just blowing off steam, but other girls respond. As Viv forges friendships with other young women across the divides of cliques and popularity rankings, she realises that what she has started is nothing short of a girl revolution.

 I loved this book, I haven't read what I would label a strictly feminist book until now. I won a copy of this arc at YALC and am so glad that I got it otherwise this book wouldn't have gotten on my radar for my TBR. It's the kind of book I skim over when I see it. The pink, the contemporary setting. Blech!
 Way to stomp on my stereotyping, Jennifer Mathieu!
 I only recently left school and wish that Moxie was around then. The setting is entirely believable because for the most part, it's relatable. There were slight differences for me having gone to school in
the UK. The footballers were just my school's sporty lot that didn't have much else going for them. The PE teachers let them get away with everything and other teachers didn't bother because the students clearly didn't care. The 'make me a sandwich' comments were used at my school but bullying was such an issue for everyone we never really thought about it. We had uniform, but stupid things like nail polish, natural hair colours, bras not visible through our white blouses and only one set of earrings was only ever a problem for the girls. Yet the stage where boys walked around with their trousers halfway down their asses went mostly unnoticed. All of these school experiences helped me connect and empathise with the girls in  Moxie.
 I struggled for a while over whether Viv was inspirational or not. She's a small town girl who doesn't step out of her comfort zone and keeps quiet. Her anger and resentment isn't expressed until she publishes the first Moxie zine. She keeps quiet about her involvement in Moxie, which makes her inspirational for me. I'm not a quiet person once you get to know me, say something I disagree with and I'll call you out. Viv kept quiet for a selfless reason until a very Wild Child moment. The lack of a face behind the Moxie zine inspires others and makes the other girls in the school feel as though anyone can do it. Leading to good and bad consequences as you'd expect of any kind of revolutionary movement.
 Viv got on my nerves in one small respect which is an achievement, believe me. I pick holes in contemporary female characters a lot as I think of who I can relate them to and why I didn't like them. A bad habit. Viv uses the word 'zine' and wants to insist everyone else do so when talk about the Moxie 'zines'. Irritated me to no end. I genuinely had to look this word up, I knew it was short for magazines but I had to make sure. At the time I'm writing this I'm finding out it actually is also usually self-published by one or very few people and reproduced via photocopiers. So technically, she's right and I just thought it was some retro word she was picking up from her mum.
 The other female characters in Moxie cover a large range for a smallish book. You have the inspirational woman in Viv's mum. You have a beaten down feminist, a girl who thinks feminism is some kind of cult and girls just too nervous about standing up for themselves. Though this is based in a small town in Texas there are girls of many races and a few of different sexualities. Don't get me wrong, the range could always be greater but the point it makes gets across.
 There has been a little debate over a character called Seth but I thought he was believable more than anything. He's a guy that tries to understand and help feminist movements and he gets a bit idolised in the beginning. To be honest, when he didn't understand and Viv got angry I thought she was bang out of order. As a guy, it's shown he simply can't understand how the odds are stacked against girls. It's also shown that he's willing to listen and learn so he can better understand and support the females in this book. He highly contrasts the males that are causing the problems at this school but again, I think that draws parallels with the real world, especially in school.
 The first line on the proof cover is 'A MANUAL ON HOW TO START A FEMINIST REVOLUTION' and I couldn't agree more. This book shows that whatever action is taken doesn't have to be big. It reminds you revolutions start small and grow. I really can see this as a hidden instruction manual for some and see these actions working in schools. It's excellent.
 I can't see any woman or girl that went to a school not feeling rallied by the end of Moxie. That's how I felt, rallied, alone in my bedroom reading this I felt ready to go out and fight because someone out there would join me. Not literally fight, I'm too small for that but my nails do gain me some points. I wanted to go back to my school and set things right, I wanted to be in a room full of people feeling the same, I wanted to DO SOMETHING! That's a first and I certainly hope it won't be the last.

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